Monday, February 23, 2015

Pokeys: Interface Prosim737 and "PoExtBus"

It is easy to extend number of outputs on a single Pokeys USB card by 80 using PoExtBus interface. All what you need to do is to chain up to 10 8-bit shift registers as per below diagram.   Note that I recommend to use TPIC6B595 chip instead of standard 74HC595 as it allows to drive high-current (brightness) LEDs. As Prosim737 doesn't support PoExtBus yet a simple interface is required. So, I have made very simple application...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MIP: Part list for EFIS

There is a simple way of making fully functional EFIS panel without using sophisticated encoder embedded into rotary switch and push button. I will be using only standard encoder with button and will have to do some extra programming. As far as I understood Opencockpit's manual for EFIS they use the same architecture. Part list: EFIS panel + 9 push buttons 9 * tact switche (12x12) 2 * two-position ON-OFF-ON switche  4 * encoder with built-in...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

FMC: FSBUS for FMC (second card in the cockpit)

Soldering was the first step to assembly FMC panel. There are a few real photos below. Unexpectedly, it started without any issues; great success :-). If you need more details on architecture, connections and programming select the GENERAL\Electronics section from the menu.      ...