Monday, November 26, 2012

MIP: First order and disappointment... a story of Poldragonet MCP

There is a sad story behind my first MCP plug'n play Collins-like layout panel ordered at Poldragonet  (, real picture below.

Unfortunately, the panel was broken at start e.g. encoders were not soldered properly to PCB, switches lock down when pressed, selected digits had different brightness and as far as I remember VSPEED display didn't work at all. It looked like third quality product...

Shit happens, it's just an an electronics...but the problem started from not being able to get in touch with Poldragonet for support. After several weeks of silence I was asked to send it back and stuck with the same problem, again no response for weeks. I gave up, requested a refund and I successfuly received the money back.

My negative recommendation for Poldragonet is because of their horrible approach toward the customers e.g. massive challanges in getting response by email, unanswered phone calls or voice mails, and the most important: delays in delivery measured in months.

Another story is that the MCP panel I received was built on a very old FSBUS v2.2 electronics, not supported natively by ProSim737.

So, think twice before placing the order...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

GALLERY: Weekend in the Netherlands / FSweekend 2012

2-5 November 2012

Well, that was very funny and long weekend in Amsterdam. Actually, it was as it should be in Amsterdam, so nothing to complain at. But, the main purpose was to attend the biggest flight simulation event in Europe FSweekend and visit Aviodrom at Lelystad Airport.

Apart to commercial part and aviodrome there was an opportunity for cockpit builders to show their babies ;-) I can't imagine transporting my cockpit out there, so full respect to those who did it!

See you next time!