Saturday, August 25, 2012


I tried to repeat a few times here that my project is not necessarily real copy of Boeing 737NG cockpit. This is a hobby and having fun from constructing or virtual flying is much more important than sticking to measurements in millimeters.

So, my seats were taken from regular passenger car. It was Chevrolet PT Cruiser and I find them excellent even if platform had to be created. Note that the best choice are those from a car with driving wheel on right-side. Otherwise, you will  be having challenges in operating radios because seats are equipped with armrests. They have a few more advantages e.g. leather upholstery, built-in two on-off-on momentary switches originally used for heating, electric height regulation or you can change the distance from MIP as in your car. But, the biggest surprise was the price itself, 55 EUR for two!


By the way, two heating push buttons are connected to my FSBUS card and I use them to change outside  camera view. The electric height regulation may be a nice feature, but requires dedicated +12V power supply capable to deliver min. 6A per seat.

DON'T BE AN IDIOT! and be very careful when connecting anything to the sockets if your seats are having side airbag. Airbags can easily explode, so it is suggested to remove them before doing any work. See below a few Russian-speaking chuckle-heads and how dangerous it may be for your health.

Here you have a photo showing the distance from the floor, click on it to zoom. It was taken probably in 747, but seems to be also relevant for Boeing 737.